1. To start using Flipbook, select one object and add a keyframe by clicking
on the red button on the upper left of the interface to record its location.
Objects can also follow the path of a model line by selecting both the object
and the model line when creating keyframes.
2. Move the object to its new location, choose a frame for this location and add a new keyframe.
Keyframes can be modified by selecting the frame number in the frame list,
then by changing the number under 'Move to'. Click its green button to make the change.
The angle of the object can be managed under 'Angle' or by rotating the object
before creating the keyframe.
3. To add a keyframe to a parameter, select the object, the frame, then the parameter
and click on the red button under 'Parameters' at the right to record the value.
Once the keyframe is added, the parameter value can be modify using the textbox and green button.
4. 4 types of velocity can be applied for the location, angle and parameters.
To change it, select the higher frame between 2 frames, click on one of the
velocity option and then on the green button beside it.
5. To add keyframes to cameras, first click on '3D View', select the view on the list
and click on the record button (red button on the upper left of the interface)
6. To add keyframes to section boxes, select the section box and click on the
principal record button, then modify the section box and record a new keyframe.
Informations about Flipbook will be added regularly on this page.