


RebuildWalls allows the user to convert Autocad 2D lines into Revit Walls and Lines.

Version 2.2.0 is now available at the Autodesk App Store.

Simply click on an imported DWG file and convert lines to Revit Walls or Lines.
Two methods can be used to create walls, the single lines or the double lines.
The single line method will create walls from the wall centerline using all lines.
The double line will create walls by calculating a center line between two lines.
Therefore, the Autocad lines length must be equal or almost equal.

1. Convert imported DWG files to Revit Walls or Lines
2. Convert DWG lines and arcs to Revit Detail Lines
3. Convert DWG lines and arcs to Revit Room Separations
4. Convert DWG lines and arcs to Revit Area Boundaries
5. Add line styles from DWG Layers

Instructions to use the application RebuildWalls 2.2.0 for Revit:

1. In a Revit Project, select an imported DWG file
2. Hide layers not needed
3. Select the DWG and click on Walls and Lines Button from the Rebuild Ribbon Panel
4. Choose options from the Rebuild Walls window (Single or Double Lines, Wall Type, Level and Model Line Options)
5. Click OK

The old way (using Excel) is still available, here's the steps:

1. Open a plan from AutoCad
2. Isolate the lines and arcs used to create walls in Revit.
3. Lines must be separated so their length is equal or almost equal
4. Use the AETEXT command (or DATAEXTRACTION)
5. Create a .dxe file
6. Click Next and select only the lines used to create the walls
7. Click Next to the data file creation and save a .xls file
8. From Revit, click on Walls from Revit, get the .xls file and select the units, line method, wall type (width equal or near the distance between the double lines), Level and Model Line Option
9. Click Ok


Notes about the Excel method:

- Autocad units should not be in feet and inches, it will not work if an Excel cell contain for example a value like 25'-2 3/4", units must be either in feet, inches, meters or millimeters ("." is accepted, not ",").
- Select only lines and arcs when creating the Excel file, no text, no dimensions, etc.
- The double line method is different than the single line method, it calculate a center line between two lines. To make this work, the Autocad lines length must be equal or almost equal. The next version will enable conversion of uneven lines on one end, which could create overlays walls but I'm working on this issue...
- Also, for better results, try to choose a wall with about the same width as in the Autocad drawing:


- Another important thing is that polylines must be converted into lines and arcs before creating the Excel file:


Steps to create the Line Styles in Revit from AutoCAD layer properties:
1. Open the Cad drawing
2. Go to Layer Properties
3. Copy the layers (Ctrl C)

4. Create a new Excel file and Paste (Ctrl V). Save this Excel file and close it.
5. In Revit, click on Rebuild Walls, click on Layer Names and select the line styles options needed
6. Click on Add Line Styles